Sunday, August 01, 2004

Rain veils my romantic orange night...

Rainy night. Orangey clouds against the dark sky, my romantic orange sky. Two of my favourite things - night time, rain...

Silvery streaks of lightning across the sky. Howls of the thunder. Rain veils my beautiful orange night - a mesmerising, picturesque view. Sitting by the window, taking in this breathtaking sight. Immersing in this indescribable feeling, enjoying every second of it.

Put out my hand, just to feel the rain. That therapeutic feeling - rain tapping against my hand, against my skin. I shivered from the coldness of the rain, but it makes me feel alive, makes me feel comforted...

Breathe in all that fresh, cold draft that comes with the rain. It clears my troubled mind, soothes my troubled soul...

"Try so hard to disregard, the rhythm of the rain that drops, and coincides with the beating of my heart..." - Maroon 5, Songs About Jane : Sweetest Goodbye

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